I have a secret: I've been a closet writer for years.
Though I've written almost daily for the last decade (and throughout my childhood), I have shared little of my writing with the world.
I felt embarrassed, afraid, and worried about my writing, nervous that I don't deserve to call myself a writer and that someone would call me out as a fraud.
My only writing goal for 2021 was to tell the world I'm a writer.
Goal met: I started this website, and I joined Twitter with the word "writer" in my profile. =)
I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions, but I do like to set (and strive to meet) goals. I've listened to The Creative Penn podcast for some time now, and the host, thriller author and writing guru Joanna Penn, always share her goals for the year as well as an annual reflection on her previous year's goals.

In her podcast, she says, "Every year, I set creative, financial and health goals and share them on the blog and the podcast. It helps keep me accountable and focused, although, inevitably things change over the year..."
And this year it hit me - if I share my writing goals with the world, perhaps the world will help keep me accountable and focused throughout the year. So here goes:
My Writing Goals for 2022
Write something every day for at least 20 minutes - preferably in my WIP, but as long as the pen hits the page for 20 minutes (or more) we'll call it a win
Write regular blog posts
Increase my writing network
Learn more about the craft
Finish my current WIP and publish it (!)
There you have it!
I kept the focus narrow and choose the five things I think will most help me move along my writing career. It was tempting to add, "Leave day job and become a full-time writer," but I know I'm not ready for that nor will I be by the end of the year. I'll leave it as a dream for now. Dreaming is wonderful, and at some point this may be a goal, but goals must be attainable.
Good luck as you work out your goals, writing or otherwise, for the year! We're in this together, so if I can support you, just let me know.
Peace & plenty,
